Are you watching the news and struggling with the right thing do say or do? Are you afraid of doing the wrong thing, so instead, you do nothing? Let's lean in and learn from each other.
Kristy interviews her biracial friend, Kristel David, about how to talk to and support your black friends right now. Kristel shares her experiences and the powerful changes that can be made when we all allow ourselves to “fail forward” and stop living in fear of being uncomfortable. Kristel leaves us with three tips on how we can get involved, and come together to celebrate each others differences to facilitate change.

Kristel David is a life and relationship coach dedicated to helping professional athlete's wives have healthy and thriving relationships with themselves and their partners! She is wife to retired NFL Vet & Super Bowl Champ, Jason David, and mama to 5 girls. She is a Former super busy, never productive wife living off her hubby to now living her best life contributing over 6 figures to her household, being a desirable wife, present mother and on a mission to help women create their dream life.
Kristel graduated from Purdue University with a major in Organizational Leadership and Supervision and a minor in African American Studies. She has studied event planning, marketing, sales and leadership over the past decade and has found her niche in coaching women to remove obstacles holding them back, gain confidence and monetize their passions.
If Kristel could impart one thing to the women she comes in contact with it is to realize this, If you lose yourself, you lose everything.